Thinking Diver

Where divers think about stuff

In the realm of the loggerhead turtles

by Erik Dasque

Shot in mid september 2008, it certainly took a while to edit and post-prod but I believe I am near finished with it (though I may re-record the voice over, based on feedback). Don’t hesitate to view it full screen, there should be enough pixel count for that.

A bit of information on the video: it was shot during a liveaboard trip organized by James Smith on the Nekton Pilot. Many rebreather divers from RebreatherWorld came along for 6 days of awesome wreck and reef diving in the Bahamas. We dove our hearts out and filmed the whole thing. I might get a few more videos out of the footage but this short film with the loggerhead turtle cracking open a shell to gobble a hermit crab is certainly the money shot.

I hope you like it, I really welcome any feedback, it’s my first ever ‘finished’ product.

By the way, should I call this post:

  • Into the realm of giant sea turtles
  • In the realm of giant sea turtles
  • In the realm of the loggerhead turtles
  • Sugar Wreck Turtles

I can’t decide.

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