Thinking Diver

Where divers think about stuff

Wreck of the Pinthis

by Erik Dasque

Copied from my personal blog on

I am always up for the deep, cold, long challenging dives.

So when an opportunity came along to dive the wreck of the Pinthis, I jumped on it. The wreck is nearly 100 feet of deep freezing waters (barely hitting high 40s), a rough (flat seas) and long (40 minutes) trip from the (rich and prosperous) town of Scituate MA.

In any case, my buddy Sam and I drove down that morning of the fifteen of August, 2008, from Boston to Scituate. Sam was diving his Meg rebreather and I dove my O2ptima. We boarded Fran Marcoux’s excellent boat, the DayBreaker, in the Scituate marina.

Except for the fact that my VR3 shut down at 30 feet, the dive was pretty great, the weather gorgeous. The Pinthis is a great turtled oil tanker, which you can penetrate through and through. Plenty of cods inside, a few lobsters and large crabs as well as sunflower seastars. I also saw a very large flounder, not that Sam would care for he only loves rusting metal.

The followin is my first attempt at taking a video of a boat dive and using my video lights so please be nice:

Wreck of the Pinthis from Erik Dasque on Vimeo.

Note that the first song is an original sountrack that was written for my father’s underwater documentaries serie called “Le Monde sous le Masque”

If you’re a rebreather diver in new england, make sure to let us know and we’ll dive together !

Dive data:
Wreck of the Pinthis, 08/15/08, AM, Fran Marcoux Daybreaker, departing from Scituate

  • dive 1: 99 ft – 43 mins – 46.5 degrees
  • dive 2: 100 ft ! – 39 mins – 46.5 degrees

I am copying here two comments made on the original post:

John Stull says on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008:
Pretty eerie…my mother-in-law’s father was the captain of the Pinthis – died in this wreck when she was only 9 or 10. The first section was a bit long but I really like the music and the vivid colors…it would have been nice to have some narration of where you were in the wreck…but it surely would have ruined the mood.

Carol Phelan said on Tuesday, September 28th, 2010
My grandfather, John Phelan, was the oiler and perished in this wreck. Chilling to see the silent beauty of the dive. Thank you.

Posted in Decompression Diving, Trip Reports

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