Thinking Diver

Where divers think about stuff

Feeling Fizzy on the Holmes

by soggy

The following is a report I wrote after experiencing a minor decompression injury while diving the Alma EA Holmes Wreck off of Boston, MA.

January 7, 2007

The Plan

Planned Profile:

Depth (fsw) Time Runtime Notes
160 30 30 Bottom – 21/35
120 1 First deep stop
110 1
100 1
90 1
80 1
70 4 Switch to 50%
60 2
50 1
40 2
30 3
20 14 Switch to O2

My dive buddy Scott and I were diving together and our plan was to spend 30 minutes on the bottom at 160 fsw. We were breathing 21/35 in our double 130s with a rock bottom of 1000 psi. We were also carrying two aluminum 40s with 50% nitrox and 100% O2 for decompression. The plan was to descend and, per Heather’s suggestion, run a reference line across the beam of the ship so we could scooter around either side without losing track of the upline.

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