Thinking Diver

Where divers think about stuff

Dive ! Dive ! Dive !

by Erik Dasque

Well, here we go. Today We have launched. I’ve been working on this for a few months now and I feel that we’re ready. Which means that we have quite a bit of content to put up here, even though the site itself doesn’t look as good as we would like it to. Substance before style, I guess.

So what is this and why are we doing it ?

Why ?

I am an avid blog reader. It’s how I absorb my daily information. Be it world news, technology, sports, music, or movies, I read my news and get opinions through an ever changing collection of blogs (228 at last count).

However, when it comes to diving, I haven’t been able to find good blogs that I enjoy reading. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of blogs out there, but beyond a few good personal blogs that are mostly focused on their author’s dive reports and a defunct general diving blog, most of the information available can only be found through forums such as ScubaBoard (I know…), The Decostop and RebreatherWorld. And it takes a lot of time to browse those and separate the noise from the information.

So because of this and a few other reasons, Sam and I decided to launch The idea has been evolving, and over the past few months, we’ve been doing a lot of writing. We don’t know yet exactly what the content will be, but we’ll definitely be covering everything from recreational diving to tech diving, open circuit to rebreather diving, and new gadgets and technologies. We’ll talk about our dives, both local and remote, as well as the equipment we use. A few manufacturers have expressed interest and we’ll be reviewing some of their new gear (and we’ll send them back, no keepsies).

The tone of the blog isn’t set in stone and you’ll find that Sam and I have very different attitudes and philosophies about diving and life in general. But as long as I keep bumping into him during our dives, it’s pretty safe to say we’ll keep writing together here.

But! This is not our personal dive web site. We’re writing it for all of the diving enthusiasts out there and everyone can (and should!) participate, by commenting on our blog posts (of course), but also as guest bloggers. This month, we’ll post a few items from people other than us, starting with John Cogan (who I dove with on a live-aboard in the Bahamas, together with SCRUB, the South Florida rebreather crew). I am sure you’ll enjoy reading their posts at least as much as you enjoy reading ours.

We’re not doing this for fame or money (okay, not for money). Right now it’s not our intent to sell sponsorship on our site. We’d love to review new products from diving gear manufacturers but for now, that’s it. We’ll be running basic ads only, so that we can cover our operating costs.

And most importantly, we’ll keep diving. We don’t want to be couch divers, telling you how it is. We’ll keep diving and reporting on our findings, our epiphanies, our mistakes. We’re not experts, and there are much better divers than us out there. Most of you are! We just like to hear ourselves talk…and we’re real geeks.

So it’s here, it’s live and it’s kinda good.

(Oh and Digg us ?)

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